Friday, 17 November 2017
Cervical Cancer: Causes, Presentation and Prevention
What is cervical cancer? This is cancer arising from the cervix. The cervix is the narrow part (neck) of the uterus (womb). Its lower part slightly extends into the vagina.
It is a leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide.
Cause and Risk Factors
Luckily, its cause is well established and can be easily detected.
Most cases (>90%) are caused by a virus, the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Other factors implicated are: smoking, multiple sexual partners, early age of sexual intercourse, oral contraceptives.
The symptoms of cervical cancer are:
1. NO SYMPTOM in the early stages.
2. Abnormal bleeding from vagina and bleeding after intercourse.
3. Painful intercourse.
4. Pelvic pain.
Advanced stage: weight loss, loss of appetite, back pain, leg pain and swelling.
Methods of Prevention are:
1. Screening (pap smear): This is a relatively easy test to do. Done in females 21- 65years to check for early cancerous changes. If detected, treatment can be commenced early for best outcome.
Should be done every 3 years. PLEASE go for it if you haven't.
2. HPV vaccine: Vaccine against the causative virus. Best given before first sexual intercourse (ages 9-26 yrs). It protects for many years - as long as 10 years.
3. Safe sex: Abstinence, avoidance of multiple sexual patners and use of condoms .
In summary, cervical cancer still kill many women despite it being preventable.
Get yourself vaccinated and go for pap smear (depending on which category you fall). Educate your female family and friends.
You may just save a life.